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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Manga Haul

I finally landed a job (about damn time), so I went and splurged a bit on a recent Right Stuf Manga Sale. I wanted to get stuff that I was planning on getting anyway and saved about 33% on each book. Since I went over the $49 minimum purchase, I got free shipping to boot.

Since I got both the Yokai Doctor v1 and Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei in February cheap, I wanted to get what I could from the series. I wanted to get both series a while ago, but never really had the funds to get a mass purchase like this. I like being able to pickup the next volume instead of waiting months before the next one comes out.

I am following Fairy Tail (which is a riot by the way) and the Official xxxiHolic Guide to finish off the purchases.

I need to get some Manga reviews started on the first 2 series soon. At least now I have some reading material for my 1/2 hour lunch at work. I hope that I do not freak out anyone with them - LOL.

BTW: I have been reading the Kurohime series and volume 15 was suppose to come out on 01/05. I have never been able to find it anywhere - eBay, Amazon, Borders or Barnes & Noble. Does anyone have any ideas of where to pick it up? I will have to end up reading it online soon.

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